The Memory Smith – Part 1

This is the first part of a four part short story I wrote for my church’s advent calendar. Our writer’s group, Word Workers, has daily writings posted through-out Advent, including stories, memories, reflections, poems, and more. You can find the calendar at

Magnus Stonhart shuffled through the chill, dark night while the knapsack slung over his shoulder glowed and thrummed and emanated sweet smells of all varieties. He preferred to work at night, when the world stilled and the crowds dispersed. Alone, he roamed the empty streets to gather sensations wherever he could. On summer nights it was pleasant, but the warmth of summer had waned. Christmas was near and the damp, cold night air clung to his skin, leaving a chill he could not shake even as he entered his workshop.

With an exhale, he set the heavy pack on the wooden table. He pulled loose the drawstrings and began to unpack. He removed the sensations one at a time, careful lest one drops or shatters. He sorted them out into their drawers: smells, temperatures, the large collections of sights.

A gentle knock on the workshop door roused him from his meditative movements. Outside stood a tall, thin man with a gray cloak wrapped around his shoulders. The man held a golden glowing memory in his hands.

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NaNoPlaMo 2021 – Where to Get Ideas

One question people ask me is “Where do you get your ideas?”

The question is not hard to answer on an individual basis, such as how I came upon a particular idea for a short story or novel. However, for me, there is no consistency for where ideas come from.

Some form out of the blue, while others take months of molding and changing. Some are full stories when they come to me, while others are just the brief spark of an idea.

But if you are still looking for an idea for your NaNo Novel, let’s go through some of the ways my ideas come to me. Feel free to use these ideas to create your own story.

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NaNoPlaMo 2021 – A Daily Plan

Now that I’ve determined my word count, it is time to figure out my plan for writing each day.

Creating a daily plan is an essential part of having a successful NaNoWriMo. It keeps you on track, breaks your work into smaller steps, and can help push you to write more than you would have.

Creating a daily plan doesn’t even have to be very difficult. Let’s look at three different options for planning.

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NaNoPlaMo 2021 – Word Count Goal

The normal goal for NaNoWriMo is 50,000 words. They used to list novels that were about 50k words long, such as:

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (50,061 words)
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (46,333 words)
  • The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane (50,776 words)

This is an excellent word goal for a new author. Your draft will require a lot of work afterwards. The fact that it is so short will be a boon, since I find that I usually need to add rather than subtract from the first, quick draft of a story.

However, most novels are actually 70k-90k words. Some longer sci-fi and fantasy novels can run over 120k words.

What is My Goal?

I will be setting my word count goal for 2021 to be 90,000 words.

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NaNoWriMo/NaNoPlaMo 2021 – What is all this?

Image courtesy of NaNoWriMo.

What is NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Every November, thousands of writers commit to writing a novel in a month. The goal is to write 50,000 between November 1 and November 30.

NaNoWriMo is about breaking free of your restrictions and completing a draft, no matter how terrible. It is always easier to edit a draft that exists than one that is only in your head.

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A Month Off

Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I am taking a break for September. Don’t worry, I’ll be back October 1st with NaNoPlaMo. There are several reasons for this.

First, I am working on redesigning the website. It needs to be revamped and several things don’t quite work the way I would like them,1 so I am redoing the whole site. This will mean that posts will come and go throughout September as they get updated.

Secondly, I am working on a new web serial story. Remnants in the North is going to be a community drama set in the aftermath of an alien invasion. My intention is to post a chapter every Tuesday and Friday, starting December 1st.

Finally, NaNoPlaMo and NaNoWriMo 2020 are just over the horizon, and I would love to plan and write a novel with you all again. So, I am working ahead on NaNoPlaMo so I can be ready for November. Those will post every day in October at 8am.

I look forward to more writing with all of you for a long time to come.


Delta Green Scenario: Interview with a Survivor

J-Cell is sent to interview a college student who has experienced an anomalous event.

This scenario is intended as a short prologue or interlude in another scenario. The theme is the unknowable: the agents only do a single interview and no other information is available. The agents can never know everything.


Case Officer Agent Louise, contacts J-Cell, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to interview Benjamin Craft. Benjamin is a suspect in a missing person’s investigation that raised flags on their servers.

A-Cell has provided cover identities, suits, badges, and documentation for the Agents to pose as FBI investigators.

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Delta Green Scenario: Operation RECLAIM BOUNTY

This scenario was entered in the 2018 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario Contest.

Operation RECLAIM BOUNTY by Aaron Achartz

J-Cell must recover a stolen green box package from thieves.


It is Monday morning on the hottest day of the summer when the agents of J-cell receive a message. A package of possibly dangerous items in transit from a green box went missing. The agents must track down the box and eliminate anyone with knowledge of its contents. Continue reading

Delta Green Artifact: Kincaid’s Sonnet

Artifact: Kincaid’s Sonnet

Written on a crumpled sheet of paper in an elegant script. Spots of dark purple in the corner.

That lonesome wreck of my ancestor’s home,
Decay and rot infesting more than wood,
It drags me as tumultuous river foam
Downstream to where my destiny is stood.
The sick and sickle hands that once were mine
Now cramp and grasp for treasures gone and lost.
I must complete my travels to the shrine
No matter what, or how, I pay that cost.
The dark air warps, misleads all we perceive.
As I arrive, the night clings on my skin.
The truth in blood no longer can deceive.
At last, I know, Cthulhu fhtagn.
This putrid planet now must be swept clean
Of all the filth, including Delta Green.

Underneath is signed: Agent Kincaid.