Category Archives: Thoughts on Writing

A Month Off

Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I am taking a break for September. Don’t worry, I’ll be back October 1st with NaNoPlaMo. There are several reasons for this.

First, I am working on redesigning the website. It needs to be revamped and several things don’t quite work the way I would like them,1 so I am redoing the whole site. This will mean that posts will come and go throughout September as they get updated.

Secondly, I am working on a new web serial story. Remnants in the North is going to be a community drama set in the aftermath of an alien invasion. My intention is to post a chapter every Tuesday and Friday, starting December 1st.

Finally, NaNoPlaMo and NaNoWriMo 2020 are just over the horizon, and I would love to plan and write a novel with you all again. So, I am working ahead on NaNoPlaMo so I can be ready for November. Those will post every day in October at 8am.

I look forward to more writing with all of you for a long time to come.


Thoughts on Writing: Humor in a Serious Work

Humor in a Serious Work

One of the first lines I wrote that I remember another person enjoying was from an adventure story I wrote when I was thirteen. People had enjoyed my stories, but this was the first time anyone had mentioned a specific line.

I don’t have the original anymore, so let me recreate it. The story is about an explorer named Michael.1 He is traveling through a jungle, down a river in a canoe, when he hears a noise ahead. Continue reading

Thoughts on Writing: Anagnorisis and Foreshadowing

Anagnorisis and Foreshadowing

Warning: Greek words and personal thoughts on writing incoming!

One of my favorite parts of a story is anagnorisis.

It generally happens towards the end. After hundreds of pages of reading about these characters you’ve come to know and love/loath, you sense things are wrapping up. Then, a character says a line or observes a situation and it completely shifts how you understand the story.

A smile grows on your face. “Of course!” you think. “That’s what that all means!” You immediately want to re-read the story with your new understanding. That feeling, for you and the character, is anagnorisis. Continue reading